Welcome to Todd's Welfare Society
Join Us To Save lives

TWS works in various ways to promote animal welfare in Pakistan. Street animals and their welfare lies at the core of our work. We help rescue, treat and rehabilitate the most injured, sick or abused in our society by providing them with necessary care in order to alleviate their pain and suffering.

We raise much needed awareness and education amongst the general public to help eliminate animal abuse and animal cruelty from Pakistan. We provide permanent shelter and homes to those deemed too vulnerable to survive on the streets. We work closely with the community to trap, neuter and release street animals. Our aim is to not only reduce the stray population humanely but to also end the never ending cycle of pain and suffering endured by these street animals.

Fostering Saves Lives

Become a foster and help save lives of the tiniest felines! Or help a scarred soul heal.

Adopt a Rescue

Change a life forever.

Successful Rescue Stories

100% Successfully Rescued

Story of Spot

Spot the dog with the beautiful smile was rescued in 2016, by Kiran Maheen the founder of TWS.

Story of Archie

We were asked to rescue a cat by some very kind persons who had been feeding a stray, that frequently visited their house for food.

What Are We Doing To Save Animals?